Manufacturer & Dealer of Electrical & Electronics Equipment. Contact : +91 96772 52848

 Digital Oscilloscope - Manufacturer - Supplier - Dealer - Chennai - Tamil Nadu - India - Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Storage Oscilloscope Dealers and Suppliers Contact Number 9677252848 - 9444001354

Digital Storage Oscilloscope Dealers and Suppliers Contact Number 9677252848 - 9444001354
DSO - Digital Storage Oscilloscope 50MHz
e mail :
Signal Bandwidth : 50 MHz Real time sampling:Max 500 MSa/s                              
Equivalent sampling rate: Max 50 GSa/s 7.0" TFT LCD Color display
32 kpts memory depth Independent vertical scale & position control knobs for
each channel. Edge, Pulse Width, video, Slope, Alternate trigger mode.
Math functions including Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide 19 auto measurment,
Math function:Add,sub,FFT, & 1024 point FFT 32 parameters of automatic measurements
Unique DSO - Digital Filter & waveform recorder function Advanced cursor modes:
Manual, Auto & Track Waveform Intensity & Grid Brightness can be adjusted
PASS/ FAIL detection, PASS/FAIL output Built-in 50 MHz hardware frequency counter
Save/recall types: Setups, Waveforms, CSV file, Picture Standard Interface
USB Host: Support US flash driver save/ recall function & update firmware,
USB Device: Support PictBridge compatible printer & support PC remote control,
RS 232, Pass/ fail output
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DSO Suppliers
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